I have dedicated my career to creating experiences that add richness to people’s lives, first through broadcast and now emerging technologies.


Nigerian born. New York based.

About me...


After 10 years in broadcast production, I have begun to realize my passion for all things UX including the future of technologies and how Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Haptics are going to transform consumer experience. From gaming to pro bono endeavors, I love to create new worlds people can dive into.

I now have a professional certification in UX and Emerging Interaction Design from NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. I developed skills in UX research, design thinking (human centered and speculative and critical), immersive interface design, XR prototyping and usability testing.

Before venturing into the world of UX and XR, I worked as a producer for broadcast (both television and radio) for more than 10 years.


 As a producer, I have worked on both studio and location based projects. I have been responsible for overseeing the entire production workflow from conceptualization and pre-production to postproduction and packing for distribution. I have worked on entertainment (such as reality TV, lifestyle and magazine), documentaries and travel shows.

Throughout my versatile broadcasting career, I have worked freelance for international networks like CNN, German TV, TVN Poland, the BBC and the New York Times. I have also been part of productions that have broadcast in 49 African countries, Europe and the Middle East.

Examples of such projects include Inside Africa (travel), the Story of African Film (documentary), Jara (lifestyle/magazine).

The combination of my XR design and production skills, as well as 10+ years creating, leading and managing broadcast projects, positions me for a career in producing immersive and interactive storytelling and product design.

I produce modern experiences

I Produced works for...



Tools I work with...

Game Engines and 3D Rendering

Amazon Sumerian

Design and Prototyping

Adobe XD
Marvel Pop


Final Cut Pro

Presentation and Collaboration

Microsoft Office
Microsoft Project

I'm open to...

a production role that works deeply with a creative team or product design.

I'm passionate about...

all things UX including the future of technologies and how Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Haptics are going to transform consumer experience.

Institutions and Certifications

New York University: Tandon School of Engineering
Professional Certificate in UX & Emerging Interaction Design
Virtual Production: Remote Collaboration & Content Creation in the Unreal Engine

Project Management Institute

Scrum Alliance
Certified Scrum Master

School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University
Certificate in Design for New Media: Video Production & Editing